
Roku App

Teams & Softwares

About the project

What was Roku Project?

The Roku project was a User Interface (UI) project created for the streaming company and was built to replace an old web application to migrate the customers from a web interface to a native TV application. Teleup LLC, a company based in NY that has a focus on American citizens abroad, created it.


My Mission was to provide the best experience to the customers in order to provide them with the ideal solution to migrate from the browser to the TV without losing the existing functionalities on the web application, like for example, the DVR and its libraries.



  1. Increase the Conversion Rate for Sign-ups (Trials and BIN’s) and Lead Generation
  2. Increase Completion Rate  for Sign-up started


  1. Increase the brand value for users
  2. Explore our benefits to differentiate us from the competitors

User Experience

  1. Better E2E experience
  2. Increase page engagement (time spent, elements clicked, etc.)
  3. Tell a story that deliveries our main benefits to customers

About the process

During development, we did an extensive research with the competitors in the market to find similarities with our system and our users’ behaviors.

About the proccess

We also have the support from the customer support team letting us know about complaints that users have regarding the web application system.

After the research and benchmark session, we started designing the Roku application, doing the wireframe, creating components and prototyping to validate the flow.

Our best friend and ally on this project was Roku’s documentation guide which provided us with extensive and clear instructions about the navigation behaviors and flow.

Some designs

“Home” screen flow

Some results

0 %
Increased SignUp's Trials
0 %
Increased Form sent
0 %
Increase in BIN Sign-ups

This project was a live project because we are always doing changes to improve performance, story telling and adjust the journey of our customers.

All the results I showed were made by me and the awesome persons who I had the honor to work with, thanks for read and spent some time to know a part of my work.



It’ll be a pleasure take some time to meet you.

© Ricardo Freire – 2022